Eczema Treatment

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5 Star Accommodation

Opportunity to stay in a 5-star hotel in the most beautiful part of Istanbul.

Transfer Services

During this process, our transfer vehicles will be with you on your way to the hotel, clinic and hospital.


You will feel at home in our hospital that complies with international standards.

Expert Allergy Doctors

Get service from doctors who are experts in their fields.

Why Should You Choose Us?

Founded in 2022, CURExplore is a service provider that brings together guests from abroad through medical staff and translators who can speak their own language.

CURExplore, which organizes international patients from all over the world, mostly from Europe to Turkey, is an Istanbul-based health tourism intermediary company that is a member of TURSAB (Association of Turkish Travel Agencies) with the code 14076 and has the Ministry of Health Accreditation.

30-minute free consultation.

After free online consultation, we determine your needs and plan your operation free of charge.

No Surprise Costs

We will not charge you any additional fees.

All Inclusive Packages

5-Star Accommodation, Transfer, Post-Operative Care at the Hotel, Translator, All Processes with You

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    Küçükbakkalköy neighborhood. Merdivenköy Yolu neighborhood. No:12/1 Ataşehir / İstanbul

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      Frequently Asked Questions on Eczema Treatment

      Eczema is a common skin condition that causes redness, itching and sometimes blisters. It is also known medically as atopic dermatitis. The condition is usually caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. The skin of people with eczema can be more sensitive to irritants and allergens, which can cause the skin to become red, itchy and sometimes even blister.


      Eczema can occur at any age, although it is more common in children. The severity of the disease can vary from person to person, with some people experiencing mild redness and itching, while others may develop severe inflammation and painful sores on the skin. Treatment for eczema usually involves topical treatments (creams and lotions applied to the skin) to moisturize the skin, reduce itching and control inflammation.


      It is important to remember that eczema can vary from person to person and everyone's skin reacts to different things. Some people may develop sensitivity to certain foods, environmental factors or triggers such as stress. Eczema management usually involves changing skincare routines, avoiding triggers and medical treatment if necessary.

      Eczema symptoms usually vary from person to person, but there are some common symptoms. The most common symptoms include redness, itching and sometimes dryness and flaking of the skin. The skin is often more sensitive and dry in the areas affected by eczema, which can increase itching. In some people, eczema can cause blisters to form on the skin, which may be filled with fluid. In severe cases, the skin may even crack and bleed. 


      Eczema can affect different parts of the body, but it is usually more common on areas such as the face, neck, the inside of the elbows and the back of the knees. Symptoms of eczema in children can often be slightly different from those in adults; eczema in children usually occurs in areas such as the cheeks and the outside of the knees or elbows. Eczema symptoms may flare up and then subside from time to time, indicating that the disease is chronic and cyclical in nature.


      Especially during periods of flare-ups, symptoms can become more severe. These symptoms can affect quality of life and make daily activities difficult. Therefore, it is important for people with eczema symptoms to seek medical advice and follow the appropriate treatment plan.

      According to research, it is not known exactly what causes eczema. While it may be genetic in some people, allergies can trigger eczema in some patients. Environmental factors also cause eczema formation. Many things we encounter in daily life can trigger eczema. Allergens such as detergents, dust, pollen, certain foods, even harsh weather conditions can cause eczema to flare up. Emotional factors such as stress and anxiety can also affect the condition of the skin. When we are stressed, inflammatory reactions in our body can increase, which can worsen eczema.


      Eczema can be thought of as our body's response to internal and external factors. Everyone's skin reacts differently to different things. For some, the choice of soap may be important, for others it may be avoiding stress. Eczema management is a personal journey and everyone's experience can be different.

      Eczema is a skin condition characterized by inflammation of the skin and there are several different types. The most common of these types are the following:


      Atopic Dermatitis: This is the most common type of eczema. It usually starts in childhood and is more common in people with a family history of allergies. It manifests itself with dryness, redness and itching on the skin.


      Contact Dermatitis: It occurs when the skin reacts to certain substances. These substances can be detergents, soaps or certain metals. The skin may become red, itchy and sometimes develop blisters.


      Seborrheic Dermatitis: It is usually seen in areas where sebaceous glands are dense, such as the scalp, face and chest. It appears as red, scaly, oily lesions and may be accompanied by dandruff.


      Dyshidrotic Eczema: Appears as small, itchy, fluid-filled blisters on the hands and feet. It is often triggered by stress or allergic reactions.


      Nummular Eczema: Characterized by round, coin-shaped lesions. It occurs mostly on the legs and can be particularly severe in winter.


      Stasis Dermatitis: It is a type of eczema due to circulatory problems, usually on the legs. Skin redness, swelling and sometimes open sores may occur.


      The treatment of each type of eczema may differ. Moisturizers, corticosteroid creams and antihistamines are common treatment methods. However, the most important point in eczema treatment is to avoid triggering factors. If you are experiencing symptoms of eczema, it is best to consult a dermatologist.

      Eczema is usually diagnosed based on the appearance of the skin and the patient's complaints. During this process, the doctor makes an assessment by examining the condition of the skin and evaluating the patient's medical history, symptoms and lifestyle. A dermatologist or other health professional will try to diagnose eczema by examining the skin for symptoms such as redness, blisters and scaling. The location, shape and spread of skin lesions provide important clues. Questioning whether the patient and his/her family have conditions such as allergies, asthma or atopic dermatitis plays an important role in diagnosis. These conditions can increase the risk of eczema.


      In some cases, allergy tests can be performed to understand the cause of eczema. These tests measure the skin's reaction to certain allergens. Rarely, blood tests may be ordered, especially when skin symptoms can be confused with other conditions. These tests can help detect signs of inflammation in the body or abnormalities related to the immune system.


      In cases where contact dermatitis is suspected, a patch test is used. In this test, various substances are applied to a small area of skin and skin reactions are observed. Sometimes a period of observation is needed to confirm the diagnosis of eczema. It may also need to be differentiated from other skin diseases with eczema-like symptoms. Therefore, if eczema is suspected, it is important to consult a dermatologist for proper diagnosis and treatment. Eczema can be a difficult condition to manage, especially when it is chronic.  Early diagnosis is therefore important

      Eczema treatment varies depending on the severity and type of symptoms. In general, the main goal of treatment is to maintain skin moisture, reduce inflammation and control itching. The most commonly used treatments include moisturizers, which keep the skin hydrated and help reduce dryness and itching. Steroid creams and ointments are often prescribed to reduce inflammation and redness. In severe cases of eczema, oral corticosteroids or immunosuppressive drugs may be used. In addition, antihistamines may be given to relieve itching.


      Factors such as your age, general health and health history will help your healthcare provider find the best treatment for you. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed. These medicines kill the bacteria that cause infections. Itching of the affected skin can bring bacteria to the area. This can lead to infection. Oral cyclosporine medicines have been used for years to treat atopic dermatitis that has not responded to other treatments. It suppresses the immune system. This helps prevent flare-ups. It is available as capsules or liquid. Phototherapy treatment Two types are used to treat atopic dermatitis: ultraviolet (UV) light therapy and PUVA (chemophototherapy). Light therapy uses specific wavelengths of UV light to target the immune system. It stops the responses that lead to inflammation. Phototherapy can be used in combination with other treatments. 

      As each patient's condition is different, it is best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. These specialists can create an effective treatment plan by recommending treatment methods that best suit the patient's needs and lifestyle.

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